Generation 56k Season 1 Soundtrack: All songs with scene descriptions

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Listen to all songs from the first season of the Netflix tv show Generation 56k. A complete playlist.

Each song from the 8 episodes is equipped with a scene description, a time stamp and an audio sample. In the 1st season of Generation 56k 23 songs can be heard.

Season 1 – Episode 1

The Date

Song:Listen on:
Put Your Head On My Shoulder - Paul Anka
Timestamp: 0:00 / 0:04 | Scene: Song is heard right at the beginning of the episode. Rosa meets Daniel in a bar. They have their first date / The title of the series is shown. Daniel can be seen on a ship.
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Alright - Supergrass
Timestamp: 0:07 | Scene: Flashback: Daniel is shown as a young boy. He kisses the mirror. His sister rushes into his room and sees what Daniel is doing.
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Ave Maria - Schubert
Timestamp: 0:13 | Scene: Flashback: Daniel and his friends are watching porn on the TV. Shortly after, his sister storms into the room again.
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Nord, Sud, Ovest, Est - 883
Timestamp: 0:00 | Scene: Song is heard in the karaoke bar. Daniel and Magda (Matilda) enter the bar.
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Maledetta Primavera - Loretta Goggi
Timestamp: 0:21 | Scene: Matilda and Daniel sing this song together in the karaoke bar.
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We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow - Soko
Timestamp: 0:25 | Scene: Matilda says goodbye to Daniel in the evening. Daniel goes to bed. Matilda can be seen in the cab. Young Daniel looks out of the television and observes a girl laughing.
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Season 1 – Episode 2

The Woodworm

Song:Listen on:
Bust Your Knee Caps - Pomplamoose
Timestamp: 0:02 | Scene: Matilda's on the phone with Ines.
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La Bambola - Patty Pravo
Timestamp: 0:04 | Scene: Matilda gets into her car. She remembers her time with Daniel at the karaoke bar. Flashback to the year 1998.
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Twerk Werk - The Trak Kartel
Timestamp: 0:16 | Scene: The stripper has arrived at the party.
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Dandelion - Jealous Of The Birds
Timestamp: 0:18 | Scene: Matilda and Ines comfort Loredana. Matilda lies down in bed next to her fiancé. The credits follow.
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Season 1 – Episode 3

Research and Development

Song:Listen on:
Unchained Melody - Vito & The Salutations
Timestamp: 0:00 | Scene: Song is heard right at the beginning of the episode. Daniel is on the phone with various restorers to find Magda (Matilda). Cristina and Sandro sleep together.
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Playboy - The Marelettes
Timestamp: 0:05 | Scene: Luca and Daniel are talking to Bruno on the couch.
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Dancing The Groove - Brando Combs
Timestamp: 0:10 | Scene: Song can be heard at the event. Bruno and Luca are talking to each other. Daniel is talking to his boss.
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Season 1 – Episode 4


Song:Listen on:
1, 2, 3 Turnaround - Christian TV
Timestamp: 0:01 | Scene: Matilda has problems with her car. Enea helps her solve the problem. The title of the series is shown.
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Stubborn Love - The Lumineers
Timestamp: 0:11 | Scene: Enea is training his dance group in the living room. Matilda is watching him and the group. Matilda is about to write a message to Daniel. But she can't decide what to write.
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Wails from the Crypt - Creepseed
Timestamp: 0:15 | Scene: >Daniel and Matilda meet in a small café.
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She Just Wept - Starsailor
Timestamp: 0:20 | Scene: Flashback: Matilda is on the phone with Ines. Matilda and Daniel are kissing.
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Timestamp: 0:23 | Scene: Song can be heard at the end of the episode.

Season 1 – Episode 5

The Gift

Song:Listen on:
Runnin' - GEDM
Timestamp: 0:00 | Scene: Song is heard right at the beginning of the episode. Flashback: Matilda meets Enea for the first time.
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Love Me Too - Mat Jay
Timestamp: 0:02 | Scene: Matilda and Enea are talking to each other at the party.
Meaning (Choral Version) - Cascadeur
Timestamp: 0:16 | Scene: Matilda and Enea are arguing. It is raining cats and dogs. Together at the bus stop they wait for the bus. But it does not come.
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Timestamp: 0:24 | Scene: Matilda tries to call Daniel. The credits follow.

Season 1 – Episode 6

Come mai

Song:Listen on:
Come Mai - 883
Timestamp: 0:00 / 0:15 | Scene: Song is heard at the beginning of the episode. Aerial shots of the city of Naples are shown. Flashback: Raffaella knocks on Daniel's door / Flashback: Daniel watches Matilda and her friend singing together. Shortly after, he searches the Internet for tickets to a concert by 883.
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32 thoughts on “Generation 56k Season 1 Soundtrack: All songs with scene descriptions”

  1. In the 8 episode I’d like to know the song that feels towards the end, while the two children give themselves the first kiss

  2. Episode 4, song during the end of the episode. “just close your phone and write that down your real name” or sth like this…

    • Hello Szymon, the song is called “It’s You That I’m Feeling” by Michele Braga and Bea Sanjust (which is me 😉 .
      The song hasn’t been released by Netflix so unfortunately it isn’t available at the moment, maybe in the future! Happy you like it ???
      Xoxo love Bea

    • Hola, a mi también me ha llegado la música de la escena del ascensor del episodio 8,me encantaría saber que cancion y artista es, muchas gracias

  3. hi, I’d like to know the song title in episode 8 that starts when they are on the roof and He has his first kiss, and it goes when he is breifing his new app. Thaks


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